Parents, we wanted to let you know about a nice feature that you can turn on in ParentsWeb! We have turned on Auto Email Gradebook Progress Reports for grades K-12, but before you begin receiving them, you'll need to set your preferences in Parents Web. When set to Daily or Weekly, you'll receive a daily or weekly email with an up-to-date progress report for your student(s).
Your preference is defaulted to Never, so here's how to change it to Daily or Weekly if you'd like (if you don't want progress report emails, you don't need to anything!):
Log in to ParentsWeb (if you've never done this before, see the previous blog post for step by step instructions!)
Click Web Forms from the School Information menu.
Click Family Demographic Form.
Click Custodial Parent Form next to your name.
Scroll down to the bottom section labeled Parent Preferences and select Weekly, Daily, or Never from the Auto Email Gradebook Progress Report drop-down box and then click Save.
Here's a video of me setting up my preferences, if you want to see it that way:
That's it! You'll begin receiving progress reports according to your preferences. If you use the RenWeb Home app, you can adjust this setting on the app (I just don't have a nifty video of the process). If you have any questions about this procedure, feel free to call the office and speak to me (Krista Dulaney) or send me an email: